Spring 2025 Overview
All Signs Point to Jesus
We could spend a lifetime studying the incredible life of Jesus. The four Gospels do not tell us everything that Jesus said and did, but they tell us what we need to know. In his Gospel, John focused on signs Jesus performed, signs that serve a singular purpose. “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31).
How This Study Fits YOU’s Discipleship Plan*
Engage with Scripture. The Gospel of John is not a random collection of events from the life of Jesus. The apostle John purposely chose signs that underscore the person of Christ. As we engage with his Gospel and the words he recorded, we deepen in our understanding of God’s Word and the One to whom the Scripture points.
Elisha: Seeing the Hand of God at Work
Many of the people mentioned in the Bible seem larger than life, and the prophet Elisha certainly fits that description. The life of Elisha included miracle after miracle, and we might wonder how we could ever relate to such a man with our routine, ordinary lives. However, the central person in the life of Elisha is not Elisha himself, but God! The same God who was with Elisha is with His followers today. No matter how ordinary we may view our lives, we can look for the hand of an extraordinary God working with us and through us.
How This Study Fits YOU’s Discipleship Plan*
Serve God and Others. The stories from the life of Elisha point us to his faithfulness to obey God through meeting the needs of others. We are to be sensitive to the needs and hurts of others, stepping in to help and serve as Christ’s followers.
Leader Resources Includes: Attendance, Class Information, and Prayer Request forms
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