Some people are obsessed with Hollywood personalities. They religiously watch the Oscars, the Emmys, the Grammys, and other award shows. Even worse, they try to emulate the way actors dress, talk, and …
HOW TO DISCERN THE VOICE OF GOD: Does it Honor God? (YOU-Win’23, Study 2, Session 5)
When we gaze at a piece of art, we don’t always marvel over the canvas. We don’t get excited about a particular shade of blue in the painting. We sometimes marvel over the artist. Take the …
HOW TO DISCERN THE VOICE OF GOD: Does it Align with God’s Character? (YOU-Win’23, Study 2, Session 4)
Yes, God speaks to us. However, God is holy and loving. As a result, God will never say or do anything that is unholy or unloving—and He would never call us to do something unholy or …
HOW TO DISCERN THE VOICE OF GOD: Does it Call you to Trust God? (YOU-Win’23, Study 2, Session 3)
My husband was diagnosed with a very serious illness that almost took his life about seven years ago. We had to take a huge step of faith, because he could no longer work. There were months we …
HOW TO DISCERN THE VOICE OF GOD: Does it Bring Conviction? (YOU-Win’23, Study 2, Session 2)
Times may arise as parents, when we “make” our children apologize to each other for ill behavior. We might notice that in many cases; they do not mean it. I remember my husband telling me one day of a …
HOW TO DISCERN THE VOICE OF GOD: Does it Agree with the Bible? (YOU-Win’23, Study 2, Session 1)
If you have never received a spam call or a spam email, then you don’t have a phone or an email address. That’s how rampant these messages are. Common spam calls have alerted listeners to the need to …