There are two types of artists: No one would pay for a painting from me, not even at a garage sale. There are others, however, who have a reputation for their art. People seek them out and pay …
THRIVE: LIVING ON PURPOSE- Purpose Expressed (YOU-Fall’24, Study 1, Session 5)
If you’re a Baby Boomer, you are a part of what was called “the Me generation.” Boomers were considered narcissistic and self-focused. However, a while back, Time magazine labeled Millennials as the …
THRIVE: LIVING ON PURPOSE- Purpose Lived (YOU-Fall’24, Study 1, Session 4)
In 1901, oil was discovered in Texas, right at the time America would begin craving oil. Prior to this, oil was used chiefly for kerosene lamps. The dawn of the 20th century brought with it the …
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THRIVE: LIVING ON PURPOSE- Purpose Restored (YOU-Fall’24, Study 1, Session 3)
Paint doesn’t last. It fades. It cracks. It peels. Live in a house long enough, and you will find yourself needing to repaint any exterior wood. I’ve had to do that twice over the years. When I …
THRIVE: LIVING ON PURPOSE- Purpose Abandoned (YOU-Fall’24, Study 1, Session 2)
A few years ago, I was given a grand piano. It didn’t cost me anything except the lunch I bought for the men who helped me get it home. While I love to play, I had no intention of playing this piano. …
THRIVE: LIVING ON PURPOSE- Purpose Questioned (YOU-Fall’24, Study 1, Session 1)
Life can often feel like a hamster in a wheel. Do this long enough, and you might gravitate to that one question that’s a perennial favorite among three-year-olds: “Why?” While the kid directs …