If you have a driver’s license, then at some point you were administered an eye test. To pass the test the department of highway requires 20/40 vision and peripheral fields of 120 degrees in at least …
MY ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS: Jesus Gave Me Grace and Forgiveness (YOU-Spr’23, Study 1, Session 3)
A preacher spoke about a sermon he preached on how God had forgiven us and, therefore, we needed to forgive others. Following the sermon, the preacher said he was visited in his office by a man who …
MY ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS: Jesus Restored My Life (YOU-Spr’23, Study 1, Session 2)
In 2021, golf legend Tiger Woods was involved in a serious car accident. The Genesis GV80, which he was driving sustained major damage when Woods went across two lanes of road after crossing the …
MY ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS: Jesus Met My Greatest Need (YOU-Spr’23, Study 1, Session 1)
Several years ago, I was training for a marathon. As you know, running a marathon requires hours of training and strict discipline. One morning I set out on a 16-mile run. When I began, the …
Teaching the Ten Commandments to the Next Generation
When you hear the Ten Commandments, what comes to mind? Law—Love—Restriction—Rescue. Most often we say God's law, and for may adults that translates to His live. This is not the case however with …
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