Michael Jr. is a Christian comedian. He has a gift to make people laugh. His performances bring joy to all those that attend. His comedy draws attendees from different age groups, life situations, and …
Irrefutable: Prophecies that Point us to Jesus – The Savior Who Came to Us (YOU-Win’22, Study 1, Session 3)
Life is filled with decisions that can impact the rest of our lives, such as a job change or a move to another city. After serving one church for many years, my family and I answered God’s call on our …
When Emotions Rise: Embracing Joy (YOU-Win’21, Study 1, Session 3)
Our joy should no be tied to the outward trappings of Christmas. When family foes home and the decorations are put away, they joy is often put away too. True joy should rise out of the reason and …
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