Do the Right Thing is Spike Lee’s highly acclaimed debut film, released in 1989. The film’s plot setting is based in Brooklyn, New York. It highlights racial tensions between a community of …
PUTTING FEAR IN ITS PLACE: Courage in the Place of Fear (YOU-Win’23, Study 1, Session 5)
Some years ago, I chaperoned some students on a team-building excursion. One exercise involved standing on top of a thirty-foot pole and jumping to catch a trapeze bar. Of course, we would be …
Elijah-Living Outside the Comfort Zone: Serve With Courage (YOU-Sum’21, Study 2, Session 1)
On February 4, 2018, the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl for the first time in NFL history. Jordan Hicks, then a middle linebacker for the Eagles, found himself amongst other athletes who …